
Spike in Libido

Spike in Libido

For male sex, testosterone is essential. Your libido will rise if you inject your body with external (exogenous) testosterone, according to JBHNews. This happens until the end of an anabolic steroid cycle. But be aware that your Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) takes a hit after the cycle is finished. You will need to restore HPTA function by using certain compounds (described later).

Severe Muscle and Strength Gains

For strength and muscle building, the biggest reason athletes take testosterone is undoubtedly their athletic ability to use it. Research and anecdotal evidence show that steroids can increase muscle mass. A study revealed that an average person can gain 5-10 lbs of muscle mass per cycle even if they take lower doses (8).

Sample HGH Testosterone Cycle

After we have covered all the benefits that HGH/Testosterone can bring, let's now look at how to actually cycle.

The following cycle contains pure Human Growth Hormone, and testosterone enanthate. Here's some information about the enanthate ester.

5.5-day half-life
You will see results in 4-6 weeks.
2 weekly injections (250mgs each injection) are recommended.
The standard cycle takes between 10-15 weeks.

If you are starting testosterone treatment for the first time, it is recommended that you take 500mgs of testosterone per week. This can be divided into two weekly doses. You can always reduce the dosage to 400mgs, if you do not react to testosterone's side effects. I will cover ancillaries which you can use during your cycle to minimize side effects.

Here are some tips on how to take HGH for this cycle.

  1. Noticeable results can take up to 2 months.
  2. Take 3-4 international units (IUs) daily.
  3. Do this once a day, or five times per week.
  4. The average HGH cycle is between 3-6 months.

HGH can be used every day in a moderate dose. However, many recommend taking a few days off every week. Because normal growth hormone is in spikes, you should closely follow this with 4-5 weekly shots.

This is a sample weekly schedule of HGH dosing for subscribers to this newsletter:

  • Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday = Use HGH
  • Thursday = Off
  • Friday/Saturday = Use Human Growth Hormones
  • Sunday = Off

You should also keep in mind that the quality and quantity of your HGH products will affect the daily HGH dose. Pure HGH, which is the basis for the sample cycle, only requires 3 IUs per daily to achieve good results. For comparable results, however the generic blue tops HGH needs 5-6IUs.

You'll also notice that HGH is used longer than testosterone in the next cycle. This compound is milder and takes longer to show results. HGH is also known for having fewer side effects. This is why HGH can be used so long.

Side effects of using this Cycle

HGH side effects can be just as serious as the ones experienced by testosterone users. However, there are still undesirable side effects with higher doses of HGH.

Although testosterone may have side effects that are worse than HGH, it is still one of the milder anabolic steroids. It doesn't cause liver damage (9). However, you should be aware of the risks associated with this drug. This includes running post-cycle treatment (PCT). I'll discuss these precautions later.

Side effects of HGH


This condition is known as gigantism. It results in deeper voices, brow protrusion, organ swelling and lower brow protrusion. Acromegaly is a condition where the pituitary gland makes excessive growth hormone. Acromegaly can also occur when you use too much HGH or if you stop taking the drug.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

HGH can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. The median nerve running through the wrist is compressed by HGH. Carpal tunnel is a condition that causes pain and numbness in the wrists.

High Cholesterol

You may notice an increase in your triglycerides when you use HGH. This is why it is important to be healthy before taking this drug.

Pain in the joints

HGH users can experience joint pain when they use it in combination with a tough bodybuilding routine.

Water retention

HGH injections lead to water retention, especially in higher doses. This leads to high blood pressure, bloating, and water retention.

Testosterone Side Effects


Aromatization, where testosterone can turn to estrogen, is what we call aromatization. This causes gynecomastia (man bumps), fat accumulation and water retention (10).

Cholesterol Higher

HGH, and testosterone, can all contribute to high cholesterol. This is because testosterone can raise LDL (bad) cholesterol while lowering HDL (good).

Acne and body hair growth

Exogenous testosterone can convert to dihydrotestosterone after it interacts the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. This causes side effects like hair loss, increased body hair, and aggression. These problems are more common in women than men. virilization). When considering steroids, they should only take low doses Anavar or Primobolan.


I previously discussed how testosterone from outside can reduce your HPTA function. This means that your body uses the exogenous testosterone surge to indicate it doesn't have as many endogenous (naturally produced) tests. This will result in lower testosterone and less sexual drive until your HPTA function returns to normal.

Cycle Ancillaries & PCT

Auxiliaries are used to minimize side effects during anabolic steroid cycles. The purpose of post-cycle therapy is to help you recover your natural hormones, as both estrogens and testosterone are affected during a cycle. Let's talk about what you should do during and after HGH and testosterone.


HGH can be used by anyone, so you don't need to worry about PCT and ancillaries. It is enough to stop using it for a couple of months. If you do this, your body will become more sensitive to the drug and you'll get less benefit.

However, you must drink more water and decrease your sodium intake. This can help reduce the amount of water retained by an Testosterone and HGH cycle.


These are the things you should have on hand when using testosterone during this cycle or any other time.

Arimidex – To prevent the formation of aromatization, take 0.25 to0.5 mgs every two days during your cycle.
Fish oil – Keeps your cholesterol in check.
5-alpha-reductase inhibitor – Reduces androgenic side affects like hair fall and acne.
Human Chorionic Gonadrotropin, (HCG), a polypeptide hormone that mimics luteinizinghormone and prevents your testicles shrinking.
Wait 10-12 days (about two weeks) after your cycle has ended before you start PCT. Enanthate has a 5- to 6-day half-life and takes some time to get rid of it.

Clomid or Nolvadex can be used to restore HPTA function. They can be combined because they each work differently to restore hormone levels. Your PCT should be administered daily for four weeks.

Clomid: 50mgs (week 1-4)/50mgs/25mgs/25mgs/25mgs
Nolvadex: 40mgs (week 1-4)/40mgs/20mgs/20mgs/20mgs
Cardarine (GW) (week 1-4)/20mgs/20mgs/20mgs/20mgs

Purchase HGH and Testosterone For Your Cycle

We've now covered everything you need to know about a HGH & T3 cycle. Now it's time for the fun part: to actually obtain these drugs.

Where to buy HGH

The quality of the product will determine how much HGH you require. High-quality Human Growth Hormone has strong results and requires fewer IUs. You won't have to worry if you buy a trustworthy product.

Juvetrope HGH brand is one of most loved and trusted. This HGH product is available in 3 IUs daily and can help you lose fat over time. Juvetrope will also help you to gain lean mass, IGF-1 production and skin thickness.

There are many online pharmacies that sell testosterone. It is easy to find the testosterone enanthate form online because it is so common. You should do your homework before ordering from an online pharmacy to avoid getting burned by poor gear.

HGH and testosterone together make for a very powerful fat-burning combination. Also, testosterone can result in impressive increases in lean muscle mass.
